• reading words has haunted the heart less you are of this tiny world i can’t bother with anymore — the hiding, pretending, not-being, recoiling from the self. you are the tiny world not worthy of telling anyone about co-star tells me that the greatest passions are the silent ones, and i tell co-star back to…

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  • i think you have done a good job at showing me you are cold and beautiful. i am reminding myself that it is not love. idolization either. godhood either. and from there i try to warn myself that that one piece of knowledge is all i need to walk away. that i love you so…

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  • i think i have always grappled with incompleteness. it reveals itself to me inch by insufferable inch yet i can’t stop digging my shoulders deeper, letting it rear its ugly head. so to answer your question no, i don’t think love prays for everyone. what is it, to go on living after love shows you…

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  • it is infuriating to see imperfection and for my body to go after it anyway. and god why make us this way? i can feel love trying to be the open wound; now i will never know love even when i see it in other people because i saw your eyes first. i think about…

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  • Never Let Me Go Overview Let us look together through our hearts, search engines and our little devices for a more devastating novel. Perhaps for the first time in my life I avoided writing a review not because of procrastination, but because I was afraid to look at it again, to put myself back in…

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  • Overview A long time ago, when I was younger, my Japanese mother told me to read this book. At that time, it hadn’t occurred to me that this was the one thing my mother loved with her whole heart that was Chinese — but she loved this book, and even watched the movie with me, so…

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  • Genki Kawamura’s If Cats Disappeared From the World is a love letter to a mother, a father, and a cat—or cats, plural. Kawamura’s novel was well-written and personal, as if the narrator kept glancing in a mirror every five minutes, forcing himself to be truthful. I love series, I love gigantic books, so I was…

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  • Here’s the thing: people love to make assumptions about other people. Everyone knows that. The lesser common knowledge about this is that we also make assumptions about ourselves, based on our past experiences and watching how we act in certain situations. We learn that we can only live in this world as our one true…

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coming soon:
  • What’s Up With Art? Abstract Thoughts on what art does to artists